Social Robotics

An interactive journey through the BC Children's Hospital with a robot and his friends.


Dr. J. Robillard

Neuroscience, Engagement, and Smart Tech (NEST) Lab

The Digital Lab

Type of work


UI/UX & Visual Design
Software & Web
Media & Animation

Empowering Researchers with Better Tools

Social robots - robots designed to interact with humans in a socially intelligent way- are starting to be used in children’s hospitals. Studies show that robots can help to support children and families manage being in hospital, for example by distracting them or providing helpful information. However, most times, these robots are developed based on what experts think is needed. This leaves a significant mismatch between what the robots were designed to do and what the kids and their families think about them, or need them to do.

The CHARGE (stands for Creating a Hospital based Adventure Robot Game Experience) is an interactive and animated survey developed to help decision makers and researchers understand the perspectives of pediatric patients and their caregivers when it comes to the use of robots in healthcare settings.

Research & Design

An Interactive Journey Through the Hospital

The digital survey invites the participants to accompany “Spark” on its first day working at the BC Children's Hospital. Together, the survey participants and Spark, visit different parts of the hospital and meet lots of robots along the way! The robots ask the participants about what they think robots could do for kids and families to help make their time at the hospital better.

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Potential Impact

Better Robots for a Better Future

The CHARGE survey will play an important role in guiding future research and development related to the deployment of robots in healthcare settings, specifically for pediatric patients. While robots already are used in some forms of patient care, the survey will inform researchers about novel manners in which patients believe robots could improve their experience at the hospital. As rapidly advancing technology can be a sensitive topic for many, it is critical that stakeholders' (patients, and their families) opinions are considered during all phases of the research process. By collecting information directly from key stakeholders, the CHARGE survey results will directly inform researchers and clinical decision makers where resources should be allocated as they continue to develop novel, emotionally aligned tools such as healthcare robots.

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